
I suck the hard thing. A bitter pill, it makes me ill with yellow sorrow. My heart aches from lessons never learned, life never earned. A hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation, it says boom, boom. I gulp down oblong globs of regret that nothing…… Continue reading Op-ed

Number 73

The number 73 bus drove into my life with a spectacularly high statistical probability of opening its doors to me. I distrust poetry. It makes language perform and turn tricks. It is algebra without the proofs, alchemy without the excuse of ignorance. It yodels into the void. It scans and jams. It pitter-patters. It tells…… Continue reading Number 73


Her body, like so many bodies, was found buried in a forest. The discovery of the (26-yr-old) corpse was announced on the news as J was driving to pick me up from Jonava railway station. She was crying as we hugged on the platform, passengers, visiting for the weekend, streaming by. The senselessness and randomness…… Continue reading Juju


Vilnius is locked into a looped conversation with itself through the sloping banks of the River Neris. The right bank flowerily says: I LOVE YOU. The left bank flowerily echoes: I LOVE YOU TOO! The petal-strewn dialogue ricochets back and forth by the Green Bridge. It has a certain charm – who can begrudge a…… Continue reading I-love-you


There were hardly any -gates around when I was young. By that, I do not mean the world was a safer or better place (the proverbial “people could leave their doors open at night”), but that the suffix was generally reserved for the most serious scandals. The original -gate – Watergate – busted open a…… Continue reading -Gate

Fake News

The light is a damning revelation: life is a worthless miracle, a brilliant deception. My limbs and heart are pulled in contrary directions. My tongue spouts love and blurts hurt because it is in a tug of war with stringy urges and inhuman edicts. It is an ugly miracle because it dissembles its true intentions…… Continue reading Fake News